"There are men who fight one day and are good.
There are others who fight for a year and are better.
There are some who fight many years and are very good.
But there are those who struggle all their lives: They are the indispensable
dream of snakes, serpents
sea, with certain sea
of snakes, I sleep.
Long, transparent and their bellies are
what could snatch love.
The killed and another one appears more
Oh! much more hell in digestion.
I do not fit in her mouth is swallowing me
but gets stuck with a shamrock on my temple
think it's crazy to chew give him a poisoned pigeon
and my right.
Oh! The format ...
This finally engulfs me
and while on his stomach
I ride thinking that will destroy
but when I come to your stomach
and pose with a verse from the truth.
The format and appears more
much hell with
in digestion.
The format and appears more
(Silvio Rodriguez)
In my sleepless night I remembered once I sang it Raul. Today I had to put it here.
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