for therefore also serves a simple pillow, to look at the sky ... to the roof over our head and think, dream or admire.
I started as a game, turning scraps of fabric I had around
a I thought little of each, so I went back to repeat one more
then remembered I had a filling unused
strips placed .. quilting, I got a back ...
and I had my pillowcase list
Then I went for a walk, the day is spring, and returned to the place I love, the granaries in particular I like, the older the better.
Many of you. I wonder if the places where I get the photos are near my house, because usually only a few steps. This sign indicates that the town is 1.5 km.
Look how cute is my carpet cushion on such from way back I met these neighbors, really are not very friendly, look at you and talking to each other, then move away quickly dismissive.
so I got home, I threw myself on the couch, put my head on my new pillow and prepared to look beyond ... to think, dream, admire for a while ... nothing else.